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Report from a visit –– Management of the “Trepça” enterprise in Mitrovica

The ICMM delegation comprising of: Musa Shabani – Chairman of the Board, Avdi Konjuhi – Member of the Board, Kemajl Zeqiri – Member of the Board within the field visits and visits in mining enterprises according to the plan of the ICMM Board, visit the Management of the “Trepça” enterprise in Mitrovica on 17.10.2017.

The ICMM delegation was welcomed by the Director of “Trepça” enterprise Ahmet Tmava and the Director of mine with flotation Mr. Qazim Jashari.

Mr. Musa Shabani informed the Management about the purpose of the visit by emphasizing licensing and maintenance of works.

The extension of Trepça licenses respectively for Stanterg and Artana mines also for three months by the ICMM is in compliance with the mining legislation of the Republic of Kosovo, on the same time it is a signal to accelerate works to obtain new license in conformity with the Law on Trepça, respectively registration of the enterprise as a new enterprise in compliance with this Law.

The director Tmava informed us as well for the registration of the enterprise “Trepça” with new status by emphasizing that they are making continuous effort to fulfil the obligations for registration.

Director informed us about the maintenance of works and difficulties in Trepça mines especially in security issue, where they are making continuous effort to increase security at work especially during the usage of explosive in mining operations.